For some reason 20 just sounds way older than 19 and I love it! I already get such weird looks and comments for being married so young and I love that I can at least say that I am 20 now! My birthday was so wonderful thanks to my family and friends! My lovey husband made me breakfast and got me a beautiful necklace and a sweater that I have been wanting.

This is my necklace except there is a D & A in the middle. I couldn't take a good picture of it so this one will do.
I LOVE my necklace! I have been wanting one for a long time and a birthday is a good excuse for getting one! I picked out several different styles that I liked and then he chose the one he liked best and I couldn't be happier! My sweater is just those cardigans from Nordstrom that everyone wears. I already have 5 but I really wanted a light pink one because that is my favorite color for clothing! It is adorable and very feminine just like I like! I also went to the doctor on my birthday, so fun I know, but it really was fun because I got some good news! I found out that I don't have to have surgery and that I can start putting weight on my foot!! You have no idea how exciting that is! I haven't been able to put any weight on my foot for 4 weeks and it was SO hard! Now I can put weight on it and just stand at the sink and stuff and then in another 2 weeks I get to walk in my boot! Even more exciting! Having this broken foot has seriously made me so grateful for my 2 feet! I feel so bad for people who only have one leg or one foot. It is so much work to do anything and I have really gained an appreciation for my healthy body! After the doctor's appointment Darren and I went to work. I nanny for a little girl who is almost 2 and Darren has to drive me there and help me take care of her since I only have 1 working foot right now. I love to watch Darren and Hannah play. Darren is so good with kids, even though he has never thought so, and I know he will be a really good Daddy some day! After we were done working we met up with my family at the beach. Maddi Mckenna, Maddie Prows and Jordan came with us. Josh, Arie, Gage, and my Mom and Dad were already there. We got there around 6:30 so it was getting kinda chilly but Maddi, Darren and I went out in the kayak anyway! I love kayaking and I am so glad that I was able to do it! We had a fire pit and we roasted hot-dogs and smores! My mom also made yummy pasta salad and dips! We were serenaded by Maddi and Gage, played lots of "Would You Rather" and ended the night with some fireworks! It was a wonderful night and I am glad I got to spend it with some of my favorite people!
Me and Darren
Maddie and Jordan!
Gage playing his guitar for us
Darren loves his marshmallows nice and crispy!
The firework finale!
When I got home I got to open some of my presents. Darren's parents got me some miniature glass bowls (they have a name but I forget what they are called) so I can make chocolate molten cake! It is so yummy! Darren's mom also made me an adorable reversible beach bag! Gage got me the classic tic-tacs and candy bars! It's a long story! Josh and Arie got me movie tickets! I am so excited because I really need to see "The Help"! I opened my parents present today, the day after my birthday, and I got 6 new dresses! It was the most exciting thing of my life! I am always complaining about how I need new modest dresses! So my mom actually wrapped 6 dresses but she bought 12 and I got to pick out the ones that I liked and were the most modest. It is sad that only 3 dresses out of 12 were modest enough to keep! It is so so so hard to find modest dresses! But I am really happy with the 3 that I get to keep and it was such a good birthday! We are continuing the birthday festivities today and going to Mr. Frostie's and the beach! Oh yeah, and the greatest thing that I have ever heard in my whole life was today when Darren said "Aubrey, when I become rich I am going to hire you a dress maker." I CANNOT wait for that day!
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