Over the semester break Darren and I went up to Portland to see his family and to meet the newest addition, baby Kylee. I seriously can not get enough of that sweet baby! I just wanted to hold her all week long!
Darren liked to hold her too! He learned lots of "Daddy skills" this week and he even changed his first diaper ever!
We had Kylee overnight for 2 nights while we were there and it was fun to see what it would be like to have a baby! A lot of work, but totally worth it when you get to stare at that precious face all night!
We had such a fun and busy week! We got there Thursday night and of course we had to go to Chipotle :) I actually first met Kylee in Chipotle. Now there is even more reason to love that place :) I can't remember what we did those first couple of days. I know we went to a lot of craft stores to buy lots of craft supplies for me and then on Sunday it was Easter. Easter is my favorite holiday and I am glad that we were able to spend it with family. It is so great to be reminded of Jesus Christ and all that he has done for us. I think the resurrection is such a happy thing because it means that I get to be with my husband and our families forever.
{Kylee on Easter}
Anyway, we had a big Easter dinner and Darren's Grandma came over and tried to teach me how to knit. I wasn't very good at it but I just need to practice! On Monday or Tuesday, I can't remember, we went to the Portland Japanese Gardens with Alan and one of his friends that he knew from BYU Idaho. The gardens were so pretty and peaceful and it was neat to walk around and see all of the pretty trees, plants and waterfalls.
On Wednesday we ended up getting free tickets to the Blazer game from Darren's uncle. The seats we had were so good! We were on the 8th row or something like that! Even though we like the Lakers more it was really fun to go to an NBA game since I have never been to one. The players looked so huge being so close to them and it was a really exciting game! The Blazers won and they scored over a hundred points so we all got free chalupas. That was pretty exciting too.
On Thursday we went to the Tillamook Cheese Factory with Darren's sister Bonnie, our sister in law Kathy, and of course the baby. It was pretty cool to watch them make cheese and read all of the facts about cows but our favorite part was the cheese samples. We went through the cheese sample line at least 5 times. They also have a Tillamook ice cream place in the factory so of course we had to get some ice cream, which was really delicious.
{Baby's first trip to the Cheese Factory}
On Friday Darren's parents came with us to go tour a DO school in Lebanon, Oregon. The school is brand new and it was really nice. It was fun to get a glimpse of what our future might be like. Darren really liked the school and that will definitely be one of the places he applies to. The school is about an hour and a half from Darren's parents and is in a pretty small town. At first I was opposed to doing the whole small town thing again but we learned from the tour that they have a lot of plans to build up the city. Also you can buy a really cheap house there that is brand new and beautiful and pay less a month than what we pay to live in our dingy basement apartment! After we went on the tour of the school we went on a little house hunt, just for fun, picking up all the for sale fliers. Maybe one day we will move there, but who knows. The rest of the week I spent a lot of time crafting and playing with the baby. She was a great little model for all of the headbands I make and she looked darn cute in them!
We are back home now and I miss being with family and I am sad to be back in Rexburg. This is Darren's last semester but I still have a couple left. We can't wait to be done and find out what the future has in store for us!
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