We went to the beach on Thursday and it was one of the best times I have ever had at the beach and all with a broken foot!

I had to wrap my boot in a garbage bag so sand wouldn't get in my boot while I was walking down the beach but I took my boot off once we got to our spot.

My cute husband!

My pathetic foot. At first, I was really scared to go into the water with my broken foot but with some convincing I decided to try it.

We figured out a lovely system of getting me into the water and this is when the royal treatment began. I said so many times throughout the day that I felt like a queen!

Josh or Darren would piggy back me out into the water (It was mostly Josh though) until we were pretty far out. Then I would get on the boogie board and get pulled even farther out. When a big wave would come Josh would send me on my way into the wave. I have never caught so many waves in my life! It was so fun dropping into the wave and riding it all the way to the shore! I did it a ton of times and I am sure Josh got his workout but it was really nice of him.

Josh also would pull me on the boogie board in the shallow water as fast as he could! It was actually kinda scary! While he pulled me, so much sand would shoot into my hair, eyes and mouth but I loved it! Once we were going really fast sometimes he would just let go and I would go flinging off. My foot never even got hurt! It was such a fun day at the beach and we did lots of laughing. I LOVE when something is so fun it makes you laugh. That's how that day was.

The boys ended the day with some ultimate frisbee...

until they lost it out in the ocean. I can't tell you how many times they have lost that frisbee and how many times they have found it 50 feet down the coast in the water. But this time, unfortunately, they didn't find it.

I love him. He makes me happy.

The end to our fun and laughy day!