I have been wanting a juicer for a while now. I just think they are really cool and I love how you can juice so many fruits and vegetables and it tastes delicious! About a month ago I asked Darren if I could get a juicer but he didn't seem that into it. I tried to convince him but eventually gave up. But a few days ago Darren had to do this little test for one of his classes about his chances of getting cancer. It was just a survey type thing and we did it together...Anyway after doing it we decided that we didn't eat enough healthy things. When I make anything Mexican Darren doesn't want lettuce, tomato, avocado or anything else healthy on his food, he just likes the meat and cheese! I love all the extra toppings but I don't eat as much fruit as Darren does. Anyway this was a great time to bring up the juicer again. Darren loves any kind of drink so a juicer is a perfect way to get all your servings of fruits and vegetables in without having to eat them. Darren was convinced now that he wanted a juicer so off we went to buy one. We love our juicer!
It is so fun to juice all of the fruit and vegetables and then we have a healthy, yummy drink to sip on throughout the day!

Last weekend it was really warm, well 50 is really warm for around here, so Darren and I decided to go rent a tandem bike at the ORC. We had really been planning it all week because we knew the weekend was supposed to be warm but when we got there the last two tandem bikes had just been rented out! We were so bummed but we went and got lunch and had a picnic at the park. The park was really crowded, because it was so sunny and warm but it was nice to just sit and feel the warmth of the sun again! Maybe we can try and get a tandem bike this weekend...but Darren has a chemistry test, so probably not. Anyway we had a good day basking in the sun. Hopefully we don't see anymore snow for a while and the sun sticks around!