Darren and I got to have our first Christmas together! It is so nice to be together now for all of the holidays. We spent this Christmas in San Diego with my family and next Christmas we will be in Portland with Darren's family. We wish we could have had Christmas with both families but it just wasn't possible. Darren and I both love Christmas and all of the pretty lights and family time. The Christmas season is a wonderful time and we are sad to see it end, but good thing Christmas comes every year! I am thankful that my Savior, Jesus Christ came into this world to atone for my sins and to make it possible for me to return to my Father in Heaven. I love celebrating His birth and thinking about the little baby Jesus who was born in a stable. It is weird to imagine Jesus as a little baby because I mostly think of him as an adult, but when I imagine him as a baby I bet he was the most well behaved, beautiful and innocent looking baby ever. And I can't even imagine how it would have felt for Mary to be his mother. Well anyway these are some pictures from Christmas morning with my family... It was a great day and I loved being with my Darren and with my family.

Josh and his memory foam pillow

My dad with his new tie

Arie opening her Pottery Barn gift card

Darren opening a shirt from me

Gage and his new electric guitar!

And Darren and I holding up some of our presents...and wearing some. We decided that every year we are going to take a picture like this. It will be our new tradition. Darren and I are most excited about our kindle fire which we got from our parents but I am also loving my new beanie from Gage, my new coat from Darren, a cute Christmas pillow from Josh and Arie and Strabuck's caramel apple cider mix that I got in my stocking. We got a few other things but this is all we could manage in the picture. And Darren had to have his grapefruit that he gets in his stocking every year!