Darren graduated! Wahoo! It was really exciting to see Darren graduate from college but we know we are not anywhere near being done with school. I am so proud of Darren and how hard he worked to get good grades throughout school. He has taken some pretty hard classes but he is my little smartie pants! Even though Darren graduated he still is planning on taking a few more classes the next couple of semesters because he still has some prerequisites for medical school. He will also be studying for and taking the MCAT. How fun does that sound? Everything works out quite nicely because I still have a year left of school and so we can still be going to school together for a little while. After Darren takes the MCAT he will be applying for medical schools! So exciting!
To celebrate Darren graduating I through a little party for our families that came to see him. My cousin Carlee also graduated from the nursing program and we had joint parties with her. I made graduation cupcakes and we had french dip sandwiches and lots of fruit and fruit dip. It was a fun little party, and it was a new experience for me cooking for so many people! After our party we headed over to graduation.
Here is Darren waiting with everyone else to graduate and then right when he came off of the stage. It was really hard to get good pictures of him and these are the best we could do!
After graduation we took some pictures outside but it was after 9:00 and it was getting pretty dark so we didn't get to take too many. We figured that we would just come back to the school the next day and take some better pictures. After taking a few pictures we headed over to Snoasis and we all had snow cones to celebrate!
On the way back to the car we took a little detour through the Hart building so Darren could show our families where he worked all semester and how he had his picture on the wall as the concussion specialist. In this picture he is pointing to his picture but it is kind of hard to tell because we couldn't get a good picture because his picture was behind glass.
The rest of the pictures are from the day after graduation. We went back to school to give our families a tour of the campus and to take some photos in daylight!
The last picture on the right is of Darren in front of the building that has his department in it. His department was Health, Recreation and Human Performance.